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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

NUR152: Resources for Nursing Research

This guide is an overview of research databases in the Scottsdale Community College Library, and how to choose which one(s) are best for the topic you are researching.


In this guide, you will find links to library resources, tutorials, and research tips that will help you to find the information you need for your nursing research assignments.  If you have questions or need help with your research, use the chat box to the left to chat with a librarian anytime day or night.  You may also visit the library to talk with a librarian or email with your question.

 Graphic of two male and one female nursing students

Health, Medical & Nursing Databases

The SCC Library provides access to several nursing and health databases that include research and review articles, medical encyclopedia entries, drug reference entries, streaming videos, and more. View the Searching page in this gGraphic of a female nurse surrounded by nursing instruments and toolsuide for more information about searching some of these databases.

Highly Recommended Nursing Databases:

View a complete listing of health and medical databases available through SCC.