View all the health and nursing databases
Self Care for Nurses will take you on a journey to explore proven self-care tactics, including over two-dozen wellness practices that tend to your mind; bite-sized exercises, giving you practical inspiration and food for thought in applying the latest in self-care research.
Starry Sky Adventures Arizona guides readers to 50 outdoor adventures to take under the darkest skies around. Guided adventures, including camping, backpacking, paddling, and hiking, show readers the way to safely experience the best of the night sky in astrotourism destinations, designated Dark Sky Places.
This second edition of The Athlete's Guide to Recovery helps readers sort through the hype to focus on the practices and devices that really make a difference in recovery and lead to peak performance.
Presents key information about the causes, signs and symptoms of micronutrient deficiencies along with remedial dietary measures. The book also provides authentic knowledge of the nature, structure and metabolic functions of vitamins and essential minerals in a reader-friendly manner.
Delivers everything you need to administer medications safely across the lifespan--643 well-organized monographs encompassing hundreds of generic drugs and thousands of trade names. Its nursing-focused Cure & Care' approach explains what the drug does and describes what the nurse does and how the nursing process relates to the pharmacotherapeutics.
Search for more print books and ebooks.
This series of case studies offers healthcare professionals a valuable tool to aid in collaborative and interprofessional care discussions and learning forums.
Debunking some common myths that may be affecting your exercise routine.
This program uses 3D animation to show the process of digestion and the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
What is a library database?
A library database is a searchable collection of different resources including articles from magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals, streaming videos, images, and more.
Library databases are different than Google. The information contained in databases is not freely available via a google search, but you have access to the databases as an SCC student.
Databases deliver the best results when you search using specific keywords or short phrases rather than full sentences, questions, or strings of words. Thinking about your topic and different aspects of your topic can help you to identify relevant keywords. Good keywords are single words (usually nouns) OR specific phrases (two or more words that must go together to make sense). When searching for an exact phrase, use quotations. Here is an example of some keywords and phrases:
"personal training" "recreation management" "pediatric nurse" dietician