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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

NUR152: Database Search Tutorials

This guide is an overview of research databases in the Scottsdale Community College Library, and how to choose which one(s) are best for the topic you are researching.


In this video, you will learn how to perform a basic search in CINAHL. 


PubMed provides several video tutorials to help you search their database.


Using MeSH subject headings: CINAHL & MEDLINE

In this video you will learn how to search using MeSH Subject headings in the CINAHL and MEDLINE databases.

Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health

In this video you will learn how to use the features within the Nursing and Allied Health database.

Search Connectors and Tips

When searching literature databases, you can utilize specific features to make your search results more relevant and specific. This includes using quotation marks around phrases, truncating root words, and using connectors between keywords and phrases.

Search Connectors and other Search Tips

AND Combines search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms.
Narrows the search.
"childhood obesity"AND exercise would find items that contain both terms.
OR Combines search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the terms.
OR gets you MORE!!
"hypertension" OR "high blood pressure" would find items that contain either term.
NOT Excludes terms so that the search result does not have the term.
Narrows the search.
dementia NOT Alzheimer's would find articles that mention dementia but eliminate articles that mention Alzheimer's in key fields.
Use quotation marks around a group of words to search for them as a phrase. "blood disorders" looks for these words in this order.
TRUNCATION Truncation is a way to tell the computer to look for variations of words that start with the same letters. It's done by adding an * to the end of a word nurs* searches for nurse, nurses, or nursing