Browse library books, articles, streaming videos, and more related to digital arts.
A library database is a collection of different sources such as magazine articles, journal articles, ebooks, streaming videos, images, and more. You can find information about the digital arts by searching with a topic keyword or combination of words.
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Browse selected titles below from the SCC Library then find more
Whether a map explaining the subway system, an Internet meme about women's empowerment, or a logo on a laptop, graphic design is everywhere. The Art of Graphic Communication discusses what today's artists are doing, how they attract a following, and what they are saying through their artwork.
Helps readers better comprehend the legal pitfalls that can present themselves when artists and content creators are generating ideas, producing content and protecting and defending their creative work. In doing so, the book provides a deeper, more targeted examination of copyright, trademark and right of publicity law than is found in standard communication law texts.
Explains the processes behind creating and designing type, one of the most important tools of graphic design. This book addresses issues of structure, optical compensation, and legibility, with special emphasis given to the often-overlooked relationships between letters and shapes in font design.
As an in-depth explanation of the entire digital curation lifecycle, from creation to appraisal to preservation to organization/access to transformation, the first edition of this text set a benchmark for both thoroughness and clarity.
With the rise of digital technology as a design tool and its acceptance as simply part of the tool chest for today's design studios, there has been a re-evaluation and return to exploring pre-digital typography.
Provides a vivid and highly accessible look at an even more important graphic design ingredient: typography. From classic fonts like Garamond and Helvetica to modern-day digital fonts like OCR-A and Keedy Sans, author and designer Sean Adams demystifies 48 major typefaces.
This timely collection brings together critical, analytic, historical, and practical studies to address what ethics means in the practice of design.
David Pugh discusses his work as a graphic designer and entrepreneur.
Nikk iHayes discusses her work as a graphic designer.
From Academic Video Online (AVON):
A Social Network Coordinator helps the Candidate navigate the confusing landscape of social media. Understand the responsibilities they must perform in the role.
From Academic Videos Online (AVON):
Create a brand online through the use of web design, graphic design (Illustrator and Photoshop), outsourcing, social media, and various other strategies.
From Films on Demand:
Duncan Mitchell started his career in package design, then taught desktop publishing and other digital skills at DDB. He explains that his digital experience was especially valuable at this time. Mitchell and John Immesoete discuss the challenges of advertising when the internet was new and how it has changed since then.
From Films on Demand:
Digital publishing combines text and graphics in a document; see examples. Titus B. describes how he redesigned packaging for his company's bestselling product using digital publishing; he received a raise and promotion.