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Adulting Resources: Internet Privacy & Safety

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Keep Calm and Log On (ebook)

Keep Calm and Log On is a survival handbook that will help you achieve online mindfulness and overcome online helplessness-the feeling that tech is out of your control-with tips for handling cybersecurity, creepy ads, untrustworthy information, and much more. 

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Cyberbullying and the Wild, Wild Web

Cyberbullying and the Wild, Wild Web, explains how someone can become victim to cyberbullying and how they can stay safer online.

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The Art of Invisibility

Real-world advice on how to be invisible online from "the FBI's most wanted hacker" In this explosive yet practical book, Kevin Mitnick uses true-life stories to show exactly what is happening without your knowledge, teaching you "the art of invisibility" -- online and real-world tactics to protect you and your family. 

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A Social Media Survival Guide (ebook)

This book can help people new to social media, people joining new social media, and people who are already on but want to learn how to better manage and protect their accounts.

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The Internet of Things (ebook)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the notion that nearly everything we use, from gym shorts to streetlights, will soon be connected to the Internet. In this book, the author provides real-world examples and straightforward discussion about how the IoE is impacting our lives, companies, and nations, and explains how it is increasingly shaping the international community in the twenty-first century.

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The Internet Book (ebook)

The Internet Book explains how computers communicate and how the Internet works. It helps the reader to understand the technology behind the Internet, appreciate how the Internet can be used, and also provides information on how to avoid scams and exaggerated marketing claims. 

Streaming Video: Online Advertising

Video cover shotOnline Advertising 


You're being watched. That sounded more sinister than I intended, but online, it's true. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Netflix... the list goes on and on. They're watching what you do, what you shop for, what you watch... all of it. And have you actually read the Terms of Service? In this episode of Crash Course Media Literacy, Jay talks about how Online Advertising works and why companies want to know everything you're looking at.