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Adulting Resources: Finance


Personal Finance

Understanding Credit: Streaming Video

Understanding Credit

Every young person will leave home at some point - to go to college, to work, or simply be on their own for the first time. When they do, they will enter the world of loaned to them to buy a car, rent an apartment, sign up for a subscription service, get a student loan or credit card. This video will explain what credit means, the various types of credit available, interest rates, as well as credit scores.

Book cover

The Financial Diet

Whether you're in need of an overspending detox, buried under student debt, or just trying to figure out how to live on an entry-level salary, The Financial Diet gives you tools to make a budget, understand investments, and deal with your credit. 

Finance Terminology (ebook)

A bank for the "language of money" you need to know. Our author, expert and professor targeted the most important vocabulary for this critical subject covering over 300 terms.

Book cover

Young Money (ebook)

This book is designed to help people under 30 envision building multigenerational wealth by committing to a mindset of discipline that goes beyond retirement planning but instead, plan for a legacy. 

Book cover

Mastery of Money for Students (ebook)

The knowledge and ability to make, manage, save, and invest money is critical to your overall success in life. "Mastery of Money For Students" is an easy-to-read, story-filled journey through the fundamental building blocks of pursuing Mastery.

Browse personal finance books in the library catalog

Check out streaming videos about money management from Academic Video Online.