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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

Culture & Society: Library Resources by Field of Interest: Research Tools and Search Tips


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Library Resources

What is a library database?

A library database is a searchable collection of different resources including articles from magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals, streaming videos, images, and more. 

Library databases are different than Google. The information contained in databases is not freely available via a google search.  You have access to the databases as an SCC student, so when you access a database from off campus you will be prompted to login with your MEID and password.  


Databases deliver the best results when you search using specific keywords or short phrases rather than full sentences, questions, or strings of words. Thinking about your topic and different aspects of your topic can help you to identify relevant keywords. Good keywords are single words (usually nouns)  OR specific phrases (two or more words that must go together to make sense). When searching for an exact phrase, use quotations.  Here is an example of some keywords and phrases:

             "interpersonal communication"         "Ottoman empire"           "religious violence"             "personal narrative"


Watch: Expand Your Search Results with this Keyword Hack to improve your search results.




Use the search options below to find information on your research topic.        

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Basic Search | Advanced Search | Journal Finder

The library subscribes to dozens of databases. Most are indexes to and full-text articles from magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers. Other types of databases include libraries of streaming videos, electronic books, entries from reference books, and business and legal resources.

Search eBooks

Search for Video


All    Streaming    DVD/Blu-Ray/VHS   

Search a Specific Streaming Video Database

Or look through our licensed Kanopy films

Search the Library Catalog for books and DVDs available at the SCC Library, including course reserve materials.

You can search for specific titles, authors, or keywords in the box below:

Watch: OneSearch in Under 3 Minutes to learn how to search the library's online resources.