A library database is a collection of different sources such as magazine articles, journal articles, ebooks, streaming videos, images, and more. You can find information about anthropology by searching with a topic keyword or combination of words.
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Some recommended databases for articles on anthropology and archeology:
In The History of Anthropology Regna Darnell offers a critical reexamination of the Americanist tradition centered around the figure of Franz Boas and the professionalization of anthropology as an academic discipline in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
In Field Stories, William H. Leggett and Ida Fadzillah Leggett have pulled together a collection of ethnographic research and classroom experiences from around the world.
Through a set of unique case studies written by an international group of practicing forensic anthropologists, Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology: Bonified Skeletons prepares students and professionals for the diverse range of cases and challenges they will encounter in the field.
In Border Citizens, historian Eric V. Meeks explores how the racial classification and identities of the diverse indigenous, mestizo, and Euro-American residents of Arizona's borderlands evolved as the region was politically and economically incorporated into the United States.
Scholars, artists and craftspeople explore how people in the past made things, used and discarded them, from prehistory to the Middle Ages...
Archaeology: What It Is, Where It Is, and How to Do It is a practical introduction on the investigation of the material remains of the past which can be interpreted with contemporary historical and literary evidence. The book also explains where to find this evidence and what to do next.
Search for more print books and ebooks.
Check out select streaming videos below from Films on Demand and Academic Video Online in the library's databases.
From Films on Demand: The oldest ever Homo Sapien remains are digitized and the team works on facial reconstruction.
From Films on Demand: In Mexico, there is still a community where Zapotec women rule the economy.
From Films on Demand: Guenther and Martin discuss the applications of both sciences.
From Academic Video Online (AVON)