This curated selection of the traditions allows readers to compare and highlight convergences, while the description and comparison of the traditions challenges colonial erasures and expands knowledge about endangered cultures.
Biblical Women Speak employs midrash (interpretative techniques) to discover ten biblical women's stories from a female point of view and provide insights beyond how ancient male scholars viewed them. This book is an engaging invitation to enter biblical narratives, challenge conventional wisdom, and recalibrate the stories and lessons through the lens of our own lives.
Provides an overview of the latest research and thought in this area. Gill presents an academically and humanistically useful way of appreciating and understanding the complexity and diversity of Native American religions and establishes them as a significant field within religious studies.
This anthology provides an accessible introduction to East Asian Buddhism, focusing specifically on China, Korea, and Japan. It begins with a detailed historical introduction that includes an overview of the development of the various schools of Buddhism in East Asia and traces the transmission of Buddhism.
A panoramic history of the Muslim world from the age of the Prophet Muḥammad to the birth of the modern era. This book describes and explains the major events, personalities, conflicts, and convergences that have shaped the history of the Muslim world.
This book traces changes in faith and practices surrounding the Mahasu brothers, and shows how the locals understand these changes by emphasizing the dominant role of humans in the decisions of the gods.
Stained Glass Ceilings speaks to the intersection of gender and power within American evangelicalism by examining the formation of evangelical leaders in two seminary communities. Stained Glass Ceilings illustrates the liabilities of white evangelical toolkits and argues that evangelical culture upholds male-centered structures of power even as it facilitates meaning and identity.
Examining Muslim identity and practice from the perspective of the margins, this book offers nuanced portraits of Muslim life across geographic and sectarian divisions.
This intriguing work explores how different religious traditions answer questions we all ask, questions about the existence of God, the search, for meaning, the path to a good life, and the way to understand death.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the international religions that have arrived from abroad to find adherents in Ireland. Drawing on fieldwork in two LDS communities, Hazel O'Brien explores how these adherents experience the Church in Ireland against the backdrop of the country's increasingly complex religious identity.
This book explores the doctrinal, social, and spiritual significance of a central yet insufficiently understood tenet in Christian theology: creation "from nothing." In this original study, Brian D. Robinette offers an extended meditation on the idea of creation out of nothing as it applies not only to the problem of God but also to questions of Christology, soteriology, and ecology.
Traces the most salient Jewish ideas about why innocent people seem to suffer, why evil individuals seem to prosper, and God's role in such matters of (in)justice, from antiquity to the present. Rabbi Allen's engaging, accessible volume illuminates well-known, obscure, and novel Jewish solutions to the problem of good and evil.
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Likened by Buddhists to the Vatican City, Ganden is considered the most influential monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. Monks lived in the monastery for more than 500 years before a brutal invasion drove them to India. Ganden: A Joyful Land is a look at the lives and remembrances of the remaining generation of monks to have studied at the monastery in Tibet where the Dalai Lama’s lineage began.
This program presents a fascinating archaeological and scientific investigation into the origins of the founding text of Christianity. This look at the New Testament asks who these authors of the New Testament were, if they really knew Jesus, where they lived, and what language they spoke. The program features interviews with some of the greatest specialists in the study of the Holy Text, as well as historians, epigraphists, and archaeologists.
Dedicated spaces for prayer and devotion are an integral part of most religions. This introductory series guides viewers through six places of worship, exploring their design, purpose and importance for members of their faith community.
The Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.