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Browse select books and ebooks from the SCC Library

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Failures of Forgiveness

In Failures of Forgiveness, Myisha Cherry argues that these beliefs couldn't be more wrong--and that the ways we think about and use forgiveness, personally and as a society, can often do more harm than good. 

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The Rowman and Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion

The Handbook of Philosophy and Religion is a one-volume examination of the most salient concepts that sit at the intersection of religion and philosophy. 

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John Dewey's Ethical Theory

This book provides a wide-ranging, systematic, and comprehensive approach to the moral philosophy of John Dewey, one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. 

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Natural Magic

Natural Magic intertwines the stories of these two luminary nineteenth-century minds whose thought and writings captured the awesome possibilities of the new sciences and at the same time strove to preserve the magic of nature. 

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The Importance of Being Educable

In the age of AI, why our future depends on better understanding what makes us human We are at a crossroads in history. If we hope to share our planet successfully with one another and the AI systems we are creating, we must reflect on who we are, how we got here, and where we are heading. 

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Private Property and the Fear of Social Chaos

The history of private property is the history of a recurring nightmare that one or another of these groups would storm the castle and take control. That threatened social chaos is the central unifying story of this book. 

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The US Criminal Justice System

This wide-ranging resource provides an authoritative overview of the criminal justice system in America, including its history, legal and philosophical foundations, dimensions of racial and economic inequality, and insights into daily life inside America's complex court and correctional systems. 

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Watch Streaming Videos from the SCC Library

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Do We Have Free Will?: A Debate

From Films on Demand: Are we the authors of our actions—or are we guided by a preordained fate? From the days of the ancient Greek philosophers to the present, the notion of free will and the question of whether people can make their own choices have captivated humanity. 

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From Academic Video Online: Confucius was a philosopher in ancient China who taught that the powerful needed to rule with virtue. He put his ideas into practice - changing the way the government was run, and eventually founding a religion called Confucianism.

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Philosophy Behind the Constitution

From Academic Video Online: This video tackles the philosophical ideas behind the United States Constitution.

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Historical Transition: Philosophy of History

From Films on Demand: This video covers the philosophy of history as historical self-understanding remains a fundamental question of the discipline. It sketches a fresh interpretation looking back to ancient Greece and Rome to present day.