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Lady Jane Wilde was the mother of Oscar Wilde and an accomplished folklorist. She sought to preserve Irish culture through recording their enchanting myths, rituals and beliefs. This collection contains over 100 of these enthralling tales, from fairies stealing children to leprechauns promising gold. Each showcase the strange and mystical superstitions spread by Irish peasantry in the ancient tongue. This edition includes a chapter on the ancient peoples of Ireland. Accompanying the text are beautiful illustrations by Stephen Reid from The High Deeds of Finn and a rare map of ancient Ireland.
Woven Shades of Green is an annotated selection of literature by authors who focus on the natural world and the beauty of Ireland. It begins with the Irish monks and their largely anonymous nature poetry, written at a time when Ireland was heavily forested. A section follows devoted to the changing Irish landscape, through both deforestation and famine. The anthology then turns to the nature literature of the Irish Literary Revival. Part four shifts to modern Irish nature poetry. Finally, the anthology concludes with a section on various Irish naturalist writers.
Ireland's Green Larder tells the story of food and drink in Ireland. Margaret Hickey digs down to what has formed the day-to-day life of the people. The story of how Queen Maeve died after being hit by a piece of hard cheese sits alongside a contemporary interview with one of Ireland's magnificent cheese makers, and the tale of the author's day in Clew Bay on the wild Atlantic coast, collecting the world's freshest oysters, is countered by Jonathan Swift's complaint about dubiously fresh salmon being sold on the streets of Dublin. Illustrated and dotted with recipes, there are chapters covering everything from strong tea to the Irish rituals and superstitions associated with food and drink.
This book considers Irish history from the earliest times through the Celts, Cromwell, plantations, famine, Independence, the Omagh bomb, peace initiatives, and financial collapse. It profiles the key players in Irish history from Diarmuid MacMurrough to Gerry Adams and casts new light on the events, North and South, that have shaped Ireland today. Ireland's place in the modern world and its relationship with Britain, the USA and Europe is also examined with a fresh and original eye.