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FYE: First Year Experience Resources: Success Strategies

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Success Strategies Keywords

Keywords are the key to searching library resources and unlocking great search results.  Before you begin searching, think of a few words or short phrases that relate to the main idea of what you want to find.  Here are some examples of keywords and phrases related to your Success Strategies module.

  • "time management"
  • "decision making"
  • "study skills"
  • motivation

What other keywords can you think of?


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Success Strategies: Books and eBooks

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Master Your Motivation

Motivation is at the heart of everything you do and everything you want to do but don't. Unfortunately, the ways we typically motivate ourselves don't work. Relying on sheer determination eventually becomes exhausting--it's not sustainable. And even setting goals can backfire. Motivation is energy, and what matters is the quality, not the quantity. 

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Study Like a Champ

This engaging, student-friendly book debunks major myths about studying and provides practical tips for how students can learn to study smarter, not harder.  Written by psychologists who are experts in the science of study habits, Study Like a Champ outlines clear steps students can use throughout their high school and college careers to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning.

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Will This Be on the Test?

The essential survival guide for high-school students making the transition to college academics. In this entertaining and informative book, Dana Johnson shares wisdom and wit gleaned from her decades of experience as an award-winning teacher in the freshman classroom—lessons that will continue to serve you long after college graduation

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Eat That Frog! for Students

This book will give today's stressed-out and overwhelmed students the tools for lifelong success. Tracy offers readers tips, tools, and techniques for structuring time, setting goals, staying on task (even when you're not interested), dealing with stress, and developing the skills to achieve far more than you ever thought possible.

Teach Yourself How to Learn

Saundra McGuire's message is that "Any student can use simple, straightforward strategies to start making A's in their courses and enjoy a lifetime of deep, effective learning." She explains how expectations about learning and study efforts differ between college and secondary school. She introduces the concept of metacognition and the importance of understanding yourself as a learner. 

Streaming Videos: Success Strategies

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A Student's Guide to Math Success

For students who struggle with math, this video (13 min) will help in overcoming math anxiety through the development of strategies and skills. Approaching math challenges in a positive and constructive ways can lead to personal success and applying the same determination (and grit!) can be applied to other areas of one’s life!

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A Student's Guide to Getting Back on Track

At some point, most students will struggle and fall off-track, whether it’s with a class, a job, or eating and sleeping habits. The good news is there are many resources to help. Universities and colleges offer support services to help students get back on track. This video (17 min) will help viewers understand how getting off-track happens and strategies to overcome it.

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A Student's Guide to Conquering Test Anxiety

Students entering college will discover that much has changed from their familiar high school setting. They will be required to be more organized, absorb more knowledge in a shorter period of time, and take more difficult tests. This can lead many to feel what’s called ‘test anxiety’. For some, test anxiety can be so intense it can negatively affect academic success. In this video (17 min) you will learn how to recognize test anxiety and how to develop strategies for reducing it.