A library database is a searchable collection of different resources including articles from magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals, streaming videos, images, and more. You can find lots of great information for your research assignment in the library databases.
Library databases are different than Google. The information contained in databases is not freely available via a google search, but you have access to the databases as an SCC student. You will be prompted to login with your MEID and password when you access database content.
Database Searching
Now that you have at least a few search statements ready to go, you can begin to search for information in the library databases. You can use the library's OneSearch (searches multiple databases at once) or you can choose to search within a specific database such as the education databases listed below.
Below is a sample of a search results page from OneSearch. Click on the plus signs to find out about common database filters which can help narrow down your list of results.
Below are subject specific databases related to education. Each database may look a little different than OneSearch, but you can look for similar search features.