Game Overview
Diseases have overtaken the campus. Students assume roles as research epidemiologists and work through a series of research tasks. Each task is intended to build skills and is scaffolded. Each team researches a different disease, but competes to be the first team to successfully complete all the research tasks (and save the campus from the epidemic!).
Learning Outcomes
Game Elements
Objectives - Successfully complete 5 research tasks.
Strategy - Apply knowledge of primary and secondary literature, utilize database search techniques.
Challenges/Obstacles - Research process is innately challenging especially to novice researchers, obstacles = given research task.
Adjust strategy and apply - Apply knowledge gained from research tasks to try different search techniques, places to search, keywords, etc.
Scenario Elements
Identity - Epidemiologists.
Feedback - Series of research tasks each with a checkpoint. Feedback is given when needed and on-demand.
Customizable - Not just one right way to find info i.e. use different keywords, use different search techniques, databases, etc.
Well ordered problems - Research tasks build on each other. Use skills from previous tasks.
Pleasantly frustrating - Challenges are difficult but manageable.
Performance before competence - Learn by doing, practice skills.
Game overview
Students assume roles as community leaders/consultants. They are charged with providing scholarly evidence to community members to change/adapt practices to solve a given global issue related to World Hunger. Teams of 4-6 work through a series of research tasks and earn points as they go.
Learning Outcomes
Game Elements:
Objective - Find scholarly literature to support recommendations for solving a specified problem.
Strategy - Extract main ideas and keywords from sources, search library databases.
Challenges/Obstacles - Research process is innately challenging especially to novice researchers. The obstacles are the given research tasks.
Adjust strategy - Apply knowledge gained from research tasks to try different search techniques, places to search, keywords, etc to locate appropriate literature.
Scenario Elements
Identity - Experts/Consultants to farmers, health workers, community leaders.
Feedback - Series of research tasks each with a checkpoint. Feedback is given at each checkpoint and on-demand.
Well ordered problems - Research tasks are scaffolded.
Pleasantly frustrating - Challenges are difficult but manageable.
Performance before competence - Learn by doing, practice skills.
Game Overview
Students assume roles as members of a hiring committee to evaluate job applicants. They evaluate each applicants' resume and select their preferred candidate. Then they discuss with their group (hiring committee) to reach a consensus for the selected candidate.
The Lesson
First, students research the job for which they are hiring using library resources and government websites. Next, they evaluate three resumes based on the information they have researched. Finally, they discuss with their group which applicant they feel is most qualified. Students must utilize analytical and critical thinking skills to make their research-based decision.
Learning Outcomes
Game Elements
Objective - Evaluate 3 job applicants and select the most qualified for the position.
Strategy - Search career databases and government websites.
Scenario Elements
Identity - Member of the hiring committee.
Feedback - On-demand.
Agency - Control over decision making.
Situated meaning - Contextualized application of career-related language.