Want some more in-depth information about preparing for a job or career? Check out this self-paced Canvas tutorial which includes the following modules:
More resources can be found in the Career Research Guide
Use these databases to search for information about different careers. You can find salary information, job duties and descriptions, education requirements, and more.
The following guides (PDF) provide assistance in getting started with using these databases:
The public health landscape is one of the most rapidly growing and cutting-edge fields. This thoroughly updated and revised third edition of 101+ Careers in Public Health continues to act as a career guide both for students seeking a first job in the field of public health and for anyone seeking guidance on how to best navigate the next stages of an existing career.
If you are interested in a career as a nurse, you've come to the right book. What exactly do these people do on the job, day in and day out? What kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in these fields? How much can you expect to make, and what are the pros and cons of these various fields? How do you avoid burnout and deal with stress? This book can help you answer these questions and more.
If you are interested in a career in the health and fitness field you've come to the right book. This book, which includes interviews with professionals in the field, covers six main areas of health and fitness that have proven to be stable, lucrative, and growing professions. -Physical therapy -Occupational therapy -Recreational therapy -Exercise physiology -Massage therapy -Athletic training
A Professional's Guide to Small-Group Personal Training is a resource designed to help you successfully lead training sessions for small groups--incorporating group dynamics and your knowledge of training principles to develop business offerings that will create a new stream of revenue.
Reflecting the authoritative expertise of the American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM's Certification Review, 6th Edition, prepares users to successfully pass certification exams and become an ACSM Certified Personal trainer (ACSM-CPT), ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), or ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM- CEP).