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Faculty Library Info: Information Literacy Instruction

Information Literacy Instruction

Clip art of a teacher Information Literacy Instruction

Library Faculty are the information literacy experts on campus. Information Literacy is a discipline which focuses on the retrieval, evaluation, application, creation, and dissemination of information in a variety of formats. Info Lit incorporates critical thinking, analytical, and problem solving skills. It is relevant across the curriculum and is ranked by employers as an important skill for graduates to have.  Library faculty provide information literacy instruction to support the learning outcomes of an assignment, course, or program of study. The core concepts and student learning outcomes addressed are informed by the ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

Silhouette of head and brain with gears   Types of Instruction 

Information Literacy Instruction is available in a variety of modes and formats including:

  • In person, Live Online, Online on Your Time

  • Single sessions  - allows time for introduction to one or two concepts and independent/group research time 

  • Multiple sessions - allows for more in-depth coverage of concepts and more independent/group research time

  • Flipped sessions - includes a Canvas module to be completed prior to live class session. This option provides students with plenty of active learning time to practice the skills from the Canvas module.

  • Canvas modules or research guides - let us create modules or tutorials tailored to your course needs. This option is great for both online and in-person classes. 

  • Open Access eBook - link to chapters in Canvas, request customization of chapters from Digital Information Skills for Community College Researchers

  • "Turn key" Canvas modules ready to go right into your Canvas course. (Request customization too!)

    • Introduction to the library: This brief module and quiz introduces students to the library's most valuable resources and services. Use this turnkey module to offer students extra (or regular) credit to learn about essential library resources that can support their academic work, including study spaces, technology checkouts, research support, and more.

    • Analyzing health information on social media: This module can be customized to reflect the specific content within your course. 

    • Getting Started with Research:

      • Introduction to Research

      • Background Research

      • From Background Research to Research Question

      • Types of Sources

      • Peer Review

      • Identifying Keywords

      • Creating Effective Search Statements

      • Evaluating Sources with SIFT

      • Avoiding Plagiarism

  • Career and Workplace Information Literacy Skills
    • Career Exploration Using Library Resources
    • Information Literacy Skills for the Workplace
    • Next Level Job Applications: Use Gen AI to enhance your resume and promote your best self to employers.

Let's discuss how to integrate information literacy into your courses to best support and enhance student learning. Contact to schedule a meeting. 

Two people joining puzzle pieces   Instructional Collaborations

Think you know what info lit instruction looks like? You have no idea. Check out some of our instructional collaborations.

Examples of Information Literacy Instructional Collaborations

BIO181 Research Binders

Epidemic Research Game

Overview: BIO181 students use their information literacy skills to research diseases before SCC succumbs to the epidemic. 

The lesson: This lesson follows a "flipped" classroom model.  Students complete a Canvas module prior to their lab session in the library. 

During the library lab, students work in teams using the skills learned in the Canvas module to complete the research epidemic game developed by IS faculty. After class, students complete a take home research lab which reinforces the skills and concepts.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Identify the purpose, characteristics, and format of research articles and review articles
  • Explain the peer review process and purpose
  • Identify relevant keywords
  • Search databases and open access points

Two people sitting at a desk

Real World Scenario Based Learning: Research, Evaluation & Application of Career Information

Overview: CPD150 students become part of a hiring committee to evaluate job applicants based on their research of a particular career.

The Lesson: Students learn to use databases and government websites to research career information. Next they evaluate 3 job applicants and use the information to select the most qualified. Students must utilize analytical and critical thinking skills to make their research based decision. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Search career databases and government websites
  • Synthesize information gathered from multiple sources
  • Draw reasonable conclusions based on the analysis and interpretation of information

Picture of students at Artie Has Heart Day of Service

Service Learning Research, A Cross Discipline Collaboration 

Overview: BPC110 students use their research and evaluation skills to find information about the social organization they volunteered with for their service learning project.

The Lesson: Students learn how to evaluate information on the web for reliability and credibility. They discover the importance of evaluating information and how disinformation can affect social issues or organizations. 

Students complete a day of service for their service learning project. They create a Powerpoint documenting their day and include research about the organization they worked with. They also reflect on how unreliable or misleading information can impact their organization.  

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate web information for credibility and reliability
  • Utilize advanced Google searching techniques
  • Explain the difference between misinformation and disinformation
  • Explain the effects that misinformation and disinformation can have on social issues/orgs

Drawing of a person with map of the world in their brain

Researching Global Issues & Solutions

Overview: ENG101 students learn the importance of background research and how it leads to a more efficient and effective research process.  

The Lesson: Students research solutions to global issues in preparation for their papers and presentations at the World Hunger Fair. They begin with background sources to gain a better understanding of their topic and the complexities of the issue. Students work through a research plan to identify main ideas, keywords, and new terminology which they apply to database searching. 

Class Research Guide: ENG101

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify background and reference resources for beginning research
  • Extract main ideas and keywords from sources
  • Apply database search techniques 

Hierarchy of evidence based literature

Evidence Based Research

Overview: NUR152 students learn about different types of evidence based literature, how to develop a PICO research question, and search databases. 

The Lesson: Students complete a Canvas module developed by IS faculty prior to the in-class session. In the module students learn to identify different types of evidence based literature and the PICO method of developing a research question. In-class, students review types of literature and learn how to use their PICO research question to identify keywords and search databases. 

Class Research Guide: NUR152

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Differentiate between primary and secondary literature
  • Differentiate between background and foreground research questions
  • Develop a PICO based foreground research question
  • Identify relevant keywords 
  • Search databases using keywords and filters


Screenshot of DAH255 Research Guide

Hip Hop Research

Overview & Lesson: Online DAH255 students learn the steps in the research process by listening to and reading through a recorded research guide tutorial. 

Class Research Guide: DAH255 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Identify background articles to gather information to narrow a topic
  • Identify effective keywords for database searching
  • Search databases to find a variety of sources

Schedule Instruction


To schedule information literacy instruction: 


**Please note that a minimum notice of 7 days is required for all instruction sessions, and requests are not processed during intersessions. **

Please review our instruction policies.

To discuss the creation of a research assignment, research guide, or Canvas module:


Please note that lead time for these instructional materials varies depending on the requirements.

Examples of Library Impact on Students

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