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Browse books and ebooks from the SCC Library

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Dealing with Data Pocket Primer

As part of the best-selling Pocket Primerseries, this book is designed to introduce the reader to the basic concepts of managing data using a variety of computerlanguages and applications. 

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Python for Data Science for Dummies

Let Python do the heavy lifting for you as you analyze large datasets Python for Data Science For Dummies lets you get your hands dirty with data using one of the top programming languages. 

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Microsoft 365 Excel: the Only App That Matters

With a new formula calculations engine and many new built-in functions, creating formula solutions and business models in Excel 365 is dramatically easier than at any time in the history of spreadsheets. 

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MySQL Crash Course

MySQL will take readers from the absolute basics of creating a table to the complexities of managing an entire database.

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Hands-On Data Preprocessing in Python

This book will make the link between data cleaning and preprocessing to help you design effective data analytic solutions. Develop the skills to perform data cleaning, data integration, data reduction, and data transformation* 

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Big Data

Big data - unstructured and/or structured data being used to influence underwriting, rating, pricing, forms, marketing and claims handling and incentivize risk reduction - is a relatively recent development in the insurance industry.

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Data Science

A concise introduction to the emerging field of data science, explaining its evolution, relation to machine learning, current uses, data infrastructure issues, and ethical challenges.The goal of data science is to improve decision making through the analysis of data. 

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Data Cartels

Sarah Lamdan brings us into the unregulated underworld of "data cartels", demonstrating how the entities mining, commodifying, and selling our data and informational resources perpetuate social inequalities and threaten the democratic sharing of knowledge. 

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Check out select streaming videos below and search for more from the library's video databases

Watch Streaming Videos from the SCC Library

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Big Data Applications

In this video, Professor Srour discusses the five applications of big data, using example to show their impact.

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Data Analytics in Excel Using Real World Examples

Learn to analyze data using Excel and tackle complicated criteria using real-world examples Key Features: Describe the fundamentals of Excel spreadsheets, from their layout to the applications.

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Python for Data Visualization: A Beginner's Guide

In this course, you will learn data storytelling with Python. With no coding experience required, we transform data into compelling visuals with Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly, and master the essential skills for effective data communication. 

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The Complete SQL Bootcamp for Aspiring Data Scientists

A course that will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of data science using SQL. 

Spotlight on ProQuest Computer Science Database

Spotlight on the Computer Science Database. 

With a large and growing set of ongoing full text from publishers such as Springer, Cambridge University Press, Association for Information Systems, and Emerald, the Computing Database supports the needs of students and faculty in the fast growing fields of information technology and computer science. In full-text format, researchers have access to all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements so vital to scientific and engineering literature.

Proquest Computer Science Database Screenshot