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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

Philosophy: Career Exploration Resources

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Self-Paced Tutorials and Research Guides

Want some more in-depth information about preparing for a job or career? Check out this self-paced Canvas tutorial which includes the following modules:

  • How to Explore Careers Using Library Resources
  • Information Skills for the Workplace

More resources can be found in the Career Research Guide

Career Databases from the Library

Use these databases to search for information about different careers. You can find salary information, job duties and descriptions, education requirements, and more.

The following guides (PDF) provide assistance in getting started with using these databases:


Use keywords to search for more books using the library catalog.

For search tips check out the video: Career Research: How to Search the Library Catalog 


SCC Library Career Books and eBooks

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Career Assessment

Lowman's career assessment model is one of the few that aims to fully integrate vocational interests, abilities, and personality characteristics--three domains that have proven their value in career assessment across a broad range of career concerns. By applying this model, career assessors can offer practical career guidance that makes a big difference in peoples' lives.    

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Careers in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The book contextualizes career opportunities within criminal justice and criminology, providing information about the nature of the work and how various positions fit within the criminal justice system as a whole

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The Education of a Lawyer

The Education of a Lawyer is a delightful read that provides invaluable advice about the practice of law. Written for aspiring and young attorneys, the book is a font of wisdom on a range of topics: legal writing, speaking, handling clients, staying current on the law, and managing all the relationships typically encountered by lawyers. 

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The Legal Team of the Future

Highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary teams working collaboratively to solve legal problems, the book introduces a 'Law+' model for the profession, comprising sixteen skills across four quadrants: Law+People, Law+Business, Law+Change and Law+Technology. 

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Resume and LinkedIn Strategies for New College Graduates

Jan Melnik and Louise Kursmark are recognized leaders in the field of career management. Both are Master Resume Writers and have worked with new-graduate job seekers for more than two decades. Together and separately they have authored dozens of books and delivered countless presentations related to resumes and job search. 

Library Database: Ferguson's Career Guidance

Check out the SCC Library Database, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, to learn more about a career in law and related careers. 


Ferguson's Career Database Image Law