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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

Reserves: Home


Having textbooks available on Reserve makes a huge difference to students who cannot afford their required texts, or may be waiting for their copy to arrive in the bookstore. Faculty members and departments can provide the library with the copies of textbooks or other course materials for student use. 

First, you will need to fill out the online Reserve Request Form.  After we receive the form, we can arrange to have the item picked up from you on campus, or you can drop it off at the library at your convenience. 

Once the item has been processed and added to our Reserve Collection, it will be available for checkout at the circulation counter. Please remind students that a Photo ID is require for all library transactions. We recommend setting a 2-3 hour time limit to ensure that multiple students may have a chance to use the item throughout the day. All reserve items are for in-library use only, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor.

Reserve Policies

ALL ITEMS PLACED ON RESERVE MUST ADHERE TO COPYRIGHT COMPLIANCE The following materials may be placed on Reserve: 

Legally obtained books and textbooks (Workbooks cannot be placed on Reserve) 

Legally obtained copies of CDs, DVDs, or Videotapes 

A photocopied article from a magazine, journal, or newspaper for ONE SEMESTER ONLY. Subsequent semesters require copyright permission. 

A single photocopied chapter from a book for ONE SEMESTER ONLY. Subsequent semesters require copyright permission. 

Lecture Notes/Powerpoint Slides Multiple articles photocopied from one magazine, journal, or newspaper issue on reserve for one or more semesters require copyright permission to be placed on Reserve. 

Multiple chapters photocopied from a book on reserve for one or more semesters require copyright permission to be placed on Reserve. 

Personal Copies: All personal copy items placed on reserve will be labeled and tagged to be protected by the library security system. 

Textbooks: All textbooks placed on Reserve can only be set to in-library use loan periods (2 HR or 3 HR). 

Loan Period Options: 

  • 2 HR - 2 Hour in Library use only 
  • 3 HR - 3 Hour in Library use only 
  • 1 Day - (not available for textbooks) 
  • 2 Days - (not available for textbooks) 
  • 3 Days - (not available for textbooks) 
  • Other - Please Specify 

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Contact Rayyan Nakhal at 480-423-6434 or