If misinformation crowds out the truth, how can Americans communicate with one another about important issues? In this book, Adam Berinsky examines why political rumors exist and persist despite their unsubstantiated and refuted claims, who is most likely to believe them, and how to combat them.
Delve into the essence of citizenship and the part we play in the functioning of our government. From rights and responsibilities to creating the Constitution and the shape of the government, citizens have a central role in the governance of the United States. It explores the duties and responsibilities of an American citizen, it also explains the three branches of government and the political processes that influence their functioning.
In this short, accessible book, leading democratic theorist Jason Brennan guides readers through the evolution of the concept of democracy and actual democratic practice over time to help them understand the foundations of this longstanding and yet newly fragile political system.
This witty and highly relevant annotation of our founding document is the go-to guide to how our government really works (or is supposed to work). Written by political savant and entertainment veteran, Ben Sheehan, and vetted for accuracy by experts in the field of constitutional law, this is an entertaining and accessible guide that explains what the Constitution actually lays out.
A compelling exploration of concrete strategies to reduce partisan animosity. This book shows that it is possible to help partisans reframe the lens through which they evaluate the out-party by priming commonalities--specifically, shared identities outside of politics, cross-party friendships, and common issue positions and values identified through civil cross-party dialogue.
Quest for the Presidency gathers in a single volume the compelling stories behind every presidential campaign in American history, from 1789 through 2020. It sheds light on the continually evolving story of American democracy in a way that helps us to better understand present-day politics.
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What is it and why does it matter? Turns out, international relations affects our daily lives more than you realize.
Traces the history of voting rights struggles in the United States from 1960 through the present day.
Imagine if the United States Presidential Election was a talent show, only the public doesn’t vote for them. That – to be honest – is how the Electoral College works.