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The book includes current information on normal horse behavior and problem behaviors, particularly those associated with medical conditions, changes in the nervous system, and the use of drug therapy. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the differences of the sensory systems and the concepts of treatments and safety.
Human-horse relationships take the central place in this edited collection examining the horse's perspective by asking: How are human-equine relationships communicated, enacted, understood, encouraged, and restricted?
An encyclopedic synthesis of scientific knowledge about equine behavior and cognition, providing experts and enthusiasts alike with an up-to-date understanding of how horses perceive, think about, and adapt to their physical and social worlds.
Horses have long been deployed to help with a variety of human activities and have figured heavily in the history of natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Equestrian Cultures tells the story of how prominently horses continue to figure in our lives, up to the present day.
A comprehensive, richly illustrated introduction to the fascinating natural history of the horse, from prehistory to the present.
This book is designed to provide information on all aspects of clinical management of tendon problems in horses. The chapters cover the spectrum of understanding structure and function, diagnostic modalities, treatment options, rehabilitation strategies, aetiology of injury, and prevention of tendon injury.
By bringing together the science of training, coaching and psychology, Be Your Own Equine Sports Coach explores the horse and rider as individual athletes and how, as a combination, you can meet the demands of competition by building highly personalized strategies and techniques that enable you to reach your potential in whatever discipline you choose.
This book explores critical ideas in equine nutrition, from plant identification to determining the cost of feeding. The laboratory concepts and assignments contained within this book combine the practical aspects of feeds and feeding with the technical aspects of equine nutrition.
Equine-Assisted Counseling and Psychotherapy offers a comprehensive guide to the practice of working with equines in a psychotherapeutic setting. Readers will come away from the book with a strong understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of equine-assisted counseling.
Spotlight on ScienceDirect. Science Direct is a key research database for animal biology and related topics. Use it to search and find full text books and journal articles.
American horses are icons. Each breed has a unique story to tell, and each story is a deep part of the American experience. Grounded in historical moments, charismatic people, and singular places, this program takes us on a journey tracing the emergence of these remarkable horses.
Horse riding played a key role in human expansion and civilization. But when and how did people first master these animals? Scientists use archeology and genetics to uncover clues about the first horse riders and how they shaped the world.
The Healing explores a life-saving equine welfare program that brings traumatised ex-racehorses and traumatised veterans together to help heal each other.
El Caballo documents one of the most complex wildlife management issues today. Where do modern wild horses fit in our view of the natural world?