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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

DAH250: Citing Sources

Citing Sources

Writing and Citing Resources:

The library databases offer formatted citations in many different styles.  Using the database citations will help you as you prepare your Works Cited (MLA) or Reference (APA) page for your paper.  Below is a slideshow of images showing examples of citations within the library databases. Click the arrows on the side of the image to move through the slide show. 

Disclaimer: These citations are not a replacement for the latest guidebooks or your instructor's requirements. Double-check capitalization, dates, and names, etc.. and make any necessary corrections.  In other words, do not copy and paste database citations into your works cited or reference page without checking them against a properly formatted citation. 

Slideshow of Examples of Where to Find Citations in Library Databases

Citations in Films on Demand

  1.  Select Citation
  2. Select a citation style.

Citations in Academic One File

  1. Select Citation Tools
  2. Choose a citation style.

Citations in Academic Search Premier

  1. Select Cite
  2. Choose a citation style.