Your group has been tasked with advising community leaders about the importance of prenatal and maternal health. Through research you will learn about the solutions available that can improve the health of this population.
Your first task is to become familiar with some of the language commonly used to discuss your topic so you can best communicate with the community leaders.
You can search for these terms using the following library reference database.
Earn Points: In your own words, provide a brief explanation of each term to the instructor.
Part #1: With your group, identify a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 major concepts or main ideas. Earn one point per major concept or idea. Raise your hand each time you identify one major concept or main idea. You have 5 minutes for Part 1, then stop and wait for instructions.
Part #2. Each group member should identify a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 important words or phrases including people or organizations. Each group member should identify a minimum of 2 unfamiliar terms. Provide a definition for each. Earn one point for each word or phrase. You have 7 minutes.
You have developed a great list of keywords, now it’s time to create search statements to use in the library databases.
Earn points: Using your keyword slips, the quotation marks (if needed), & AND connectors, manually create 2 (min) different search statements. Must be properly formed and make sense. Use the blank slips if you need additional keywords. You have 5 minutes for this task.
Read the background article below. As you read think about:
You have 5 minutes to read the article. Then STOP and wait for instructions.
Look at the terms you identified in the previous research task and formulate each one into acceptable database keyword form.
Earn Points: Identify 5 (min) - 10 (max) different keywords or key phrases and write each on a separate slip of paper. Keywords must be in acceptable database form. Earn one point for each correctly identified and formed keyword. You have 10 minutes for this task.
Keep in mind what makes a good keyword:
Use the search statements to find at least one article in the library database.
No time limit. You may work until the end of class. Earn points: Show one relevant article to the instructor.