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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

DAH255: Overview of Library Resources

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Dead Precedents

Taking in the ground-breaking work of DJs and MCs, alongside science-fiction writers like Dick and Gibson, as well as graffiti and DIY culture, Dead Precedents is a counter-cultural history of the twenty-first century, showcasing hip-hop's role in the creation of the world in which we now live.

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God Save the Queens: the essential history of women in hip-hop

Exploring issues of gender, money, sexuality, violence, body image, feuds, objectification and more, this book is an important and monumental work of music journalism that at last gives these influential female artists the respect they have long deserved

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Hip Hop Raised Me

Hip Hop Raised Me is the definitive volume on the essence, experience, and energy that ihip hop, and its massive and enduring impact over the last forty years.

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Making Beats

This book examines the way hip-hop artists have managed to create a form of expression that reflects their creative aspirations, moral beliefs, political values, and cultural realities.

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Communicating Hip-Hop

This insightful analysis of the broad impact of hip-hop on popular culture examines the circulation of hip-hop through media, academia, business, law, and consumer culture to explain how hip-hop influences thought and action through our societal institutions.

Search for ebooks through the SCC Library.

Find Articles

You can browse or search directly within a certain publication like the Journal of Hip Hop Studies.

You can also search multiple magazines, journals, and other publications at once by using a library database. Here are some suggested databases to search.

Find Streaming Videos

The library also provides access to streaming video databases.  

You can search ALL of the library resources at once using the OneSearch discovery.  Since OneSearch looks through ALL of the library databases, it will return a lot of results. Be sure to read through this module, to learn how to most effectively and efficiently search and narrow your list of results. 


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The library subscribes to dozens of databases. Most are indexes to and full-text articles from magazines, scholarly journals, and newspapers. Other types of databases include libraries of streaming videos, electronic books, entries from reference books, and business and legal resources.

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