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Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale Community College Library

eCollaboration: eLectrify, eNgage, and eXcite with eCollaboration


Want to eLectrify, eNgage, and eXcite your students with new eCollaboration tools?  

This LibGuide contains lessons for using online collaboration tools that meet specific information literacy and library instruction learning outcomes. These tools and lessons can be used in face-to-face, hybrid, and online instruction and can be tailored for one-shot instruction sessions or semester long courses. Collaborative learning eNgages students and eNergizes instruction by eNcouraging hands-on active and cooperative learning.  Collaborative learning teaches critical thinking and problem solving skills, which is important in the 21st century environment. Using online technology prepares students to work and interact in our eSociety. 

Tech it Out!

Keep up with more of our ideas for online collabortaive tools via our blog Tech it Out!  Each blog post will discuss a web 2.0 tool that you can use for information literacy and library instruction, promoting and marketing library resources and services, or other library related activities.  We’ll tell you how you can use each tool and share examples from our own classes or experiences.

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eLectrify, eNgage, and eXcite with eCollaboration

azla presentation image

Today's Meet

We are using Today's Meet, a live chat stream, to gather your questions and comments during our presentation.  Visit our private chat room at: 

and join the conversation. Type your name and question or comment and we will address it at the end of our presentation.